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Eng. Manolov delivered a lecture at the Winter Energy School of SU

16.02.2024 Eng. Stoyan Manolov, Manager of "M-Gaя" Ltd, was a lecturer at the Fourth Winter School "Energy and Climate", organized by Utilities and the Faculty of Economics of Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski". Gergana Manolova, Director of International Cooperation and Business Relations at M-Gas, welcomed the participants at the opening of the school. The topic of Eng. Manolov's lecture was "The future of natural gas as a transition fuel". He…

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M-Gas celebrates 18 years since its establishment

08.02.2024 M-Gas celebrates 18 years since its establishment! The company was founded on February 8, 2006 in Ruse. The company is one of the pioneers in the sale of compressed natural gas as fuel in transport, as well as in the supply and sale of compressed natural gas for the production needs of industrial enterprises. ‎ Over the years, the company's business has grown and transformed. In the last year,…

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Eng. Manolov will be a lecturer at the Fourth Winter School “Energy and Climate”

16.01.2024 Eng. Stoyan Manolov, Manager of "M-Gas" Ltd, will be a lecturer at the Fourth Winter School "Energy and Climate", organized by Utilities and the Faculty of Economics of Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski". The winter school will be held in person on February 15 and 16, 2024. The aim of the winter school is to provide energy sector participants with quality post-graduate training, through up-to-date information on fundamentals, practice…

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M-Gas became part of Family Business Network Bulgaria

15.01.2024 M-Gas Ltd was officially accepted by the management board of Family Business Network Bulgaria to join the organization. The general manager of the company Stoyan Manolov and Gergana Manolova, Director International Cooperation and Business Relations will represent M-Gas in the network. They are joining the structures Now Generation and Next Generation. M-Gas plans to be an active member of the network and looks forward to cooperate with members of…

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Interview in Utilities magazine about the development plans of M-Gas

8.12.2023 In the December issue of Utilities magazine, an interview with Gergana Manolova, Director of International Cooperation and Business Relations at M-Gaz EOOD, was published: "M-Gaz's mission is to develop the natural gas market in Bulgaria and neighboring countries". In it, she shares about the company's development plans, initiatives for the benefit of society and the role of women in the field of energy. The entire issue of the magazine…

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M-Gaz EOOD received a license to trade natural gas in Greece

In September 2023, M-Gaz EOOD received a license to trade natural gas in Greece. The decision was taken by the Greek their national energy regulatory body (RAE). This allows the company to trade with natural gas in the territory of Greece. https://mgas-bg.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/%D0%9B%D0%B8%D1%86%D0%B5%D0%BD%D1%86%D0%B8%D1%8F-%D0%93%D1%8A%D1%80%D1%86%D0%B8%D1%8F.pdf

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