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M-Gas is among the participants at the Annual Responsible Business Awards 2022

27.02.2023 M-Gas EOOD is among the participants in the category "Investor in the environment" at the Annual Responsible Business Awards 2022, organized by the Bulgarian Business Leaders Forum (BBLF). The awards ceremony will take place in March. The organizors announced that the record number of 134 social good programmes implemented by more than 80 companies are competing for the prominent prizes in the seven categories. For the first time, the…

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M-Gas supported those affected by the earthquake in Turkiye and Syria

17.02.2023 M-Gas EOOD donated close to 3 000 BGN for those affected by the earthquake in Turkiye and Syria. The donation was made by the company, and employees added to the sum additional personal resources. The collected money was donated to the regional mufti. M-Gas responded to the call for donations of the Muslim faith and supported their campaign to help the victims of the earthquakes. It started immediately after…

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M-Gas marks 17 years since the launch of the company

8.02.2023 On February 8th, M-Gas EOOD celebrates 17 years since the company was founded. It all begain in Ruse in 2006 when the company was created. Then the project for creating a network of firms that use compressed natural gas (CNG) in the terrirory of the Republic of Bulgaria was launched. Over the years, the company activities grew. We have been developing the compressed natural gas market in Bulgaria for the…

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M-Gas among the participants in the Corporate Donor competition

22.12.2022 M-Gas EOOD was among the participants in the competition Corporate Donor, organized by the Bulgarian Donor Fund since 2006. The ceremony took place in the Presidency of the Republic of Bulgaria, where the vice president Iliyana Yotova has the host. M-Gas participated in the category "Best volunteering program" with their project "Protecting the environment". The ecology policy lead by M-Gas for protecting, recovery and improvement of the environment is…

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„M-Gas“ presented their ESG strategy at the conference “The diverse roles of Women in the Green transition”,

21.10.2022 M-Gas EOOD participated at the conference „The diverse roles of Women in the Green transition“, organized by the Council of women in business in Bulgaria and Konrad Adenauer Foundation. The event's aim was to show how diverse can be the roles of women at the front of green inovations and sustainable change in society and economics. The company was represented by Gergana Manolova, sustainability manager. She was the moderator…

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M-Gas received ISO 14001 and 9001 certificates

15.9.2022 M-Gas received ISO 14001 and 9001 certificates Environmental management system ISO 14001 is a management system model based on the principle of continuous improvement. ISO 14001 is a standard that requires the participation of all employees at all levels of the organization, especially top management. The essence of the system is to identify aspects of the environment, as well as the legislative and other requirements that apply to those…

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How to develop the business with care for the environment and the people

29.7.2022 Natural gas becomes part of the green taxonomy of the European union from 2023, which accents on the importance of natural as an energy source in the transition towards green energy and carbon neutrality. When substituting traditional petroleum products with natural gas, the harmful ‎emissions, released in the atmosphere when burning them, are reduced, leading ‎to a better state of the environment‎. The usage of natural gas allows the…

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The experience of smaller companies in the field of ESG

22.7.2022   The ESG standards, that will become effective in 2024, will require large companies to report their progress in sustainable development and to include information about it in their yearly reports. Even though smaller companies are not required to do so by now, many of them are concentrating their efforts in creating ESG strategies because of the need of structuring the initiatives that they are currently working on, as…

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M-Gas EOOD donates 20 000 BGN to stop the spread of Coronavirus

13.04.2020 M-Gas EOOD donates 20 000 BGN and joins the campaign to help the situation of emergency. The company supports the Municipality of Ruse and gives its contribution to stop the spread of Coronavirus in Bulgaria. The sum will be given free of charge to the Municipality of Ruse with the aim of supporting hospitals that treat patients with COVID-19 and to cover extraordinary cost of medical needs.   “In a…

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